About us

IPv4 Global Bid Platform provides international IPv4 Trading service. We update the available list regularly so buyers can see what IPv4 ranges with their respective prices can be purchased. As a professional trader, we safeguard the whole transaction to ensure the seller can receive their required fee while the buyer completely owns the purchased IPv4. Before IPv4 runs out, lets make some trades.

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Our Team

We have well experienced technicians and traders in Hong Kong. All professional jobs are to be done legally in Hong Kong.

Peter Yip

Sales Director See bio


Finance Officer See bio

Mac Ma

Chief Executive Officer See bio

IPv4 Trading Services

IPv4 Global BID may be the largest IPv4 Trading Company in Hong Kong. Tell us your need and budget. IPv4 Global Bid helps you with the complex procedures and you just simply use the IPv4.

IPv4 Rental

IPv4 BID Global has IPs from different RIR including APNIC, RIPE NCC, Aran, Lacnic, Afrinic. Starting from /24, you can rent per month/year at different prices. To ensure the leased IPv4 can be used in your data center, please talk to the data center to confirm what they require from you when you bring your […]

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IPv4 Purchase

IPv4 BID Global has IPs from different RIR including APNIC, RIPE NCC, Aran, Lacnic, Afrinic. Starting from /24, you can buy out the IPv4 and add to your AS at different prices. Please note that each offer has a due date so if you want any of them, confirm the order asap.

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Buy APNIC Account with /21 IPs

IPv4 Bid Global Hong Kong helps you register your own ASN and APNIC Account with maximum /21 IPv4. You shall justify your needs of IPv4 to us and provide required document. IPv4 Bid also offers Server Rental, Colocation in Hong Kong Data Center, BGP, OS setup, Hong Kong, China and International Bandwidth, etc..

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Latest IPv4 Offers

Limited Offers strictly available for confirmation before expiry date. Contact Us to check stock if you are interested.
0 APNIC /21 Sell in USD
APNIC /21 Yearly Rental in USD
Afrinic /16 Monthly Rental in USD by 4/7/2016
Afrinic /17 Monthly Rental in USD by 28/6/2016

What our clients say

  • IPv4 Bid helped me to successfully purchase and transfer /18 APNIC IPv4 into my APNIC Account under my own AS. Their followup is always fast and professional. Love to work with them.

    Bill Wong

  • Thanks IPv4 Global Bid Platform. I sold my IPv4 out within a short period of time here. My Money also arrived my bank account right after the procedure of IPv4 transfer was done. Great Work!

    Herb Chau

    CEO@Century Victory

Submission of Offer/Request

Address: Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 51688826

    Name (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Company Name

    Request IPv4 with Budget (required)

    Offer IPv4 with Price (required)

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